Browlift, Blepharoplasty, Facelift, Necklift & Fat Transfer

This 56 year-old female requested facial rejuvenation after many years of working outdoors in the sun. She felt that she looked much older than her chronological age and disliked the rectangular appearance of her face and jowls. In addition, she felt that the position of her eyebrows and excess skin around the eyes, made her look very tired. An endoscopic browlift with upper and lower blepharoplasty were performed in one stage, followed 3 months later by a full facelift and necklift with fat transfer. The result after 1 year shows fuller cheeks, a more youthful brow and eye region and significant reduction in the lines of facial aging. In addition, the balance of facial harmony is restored by making the face more oval-shaped.

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San Diego | La Jolla | Carmel Valley | Del Mar | Encinitas | Plastic Surgery | Cosmetic Surgery | Facelift | Browlift | Fat Transfer | Facial Rejuvenation | Top Plastic Surgeon San Diego | La Jolla | Carmel Valley | Del Mar | Encinitas | Plastic Surgery | Cosmetic Surgery | Facelift | Browlift | Fat Transfer | Facial Rejuvenation | Top Plastic Surgeon San Diego | La Jolla | Carmel Valley | Del Mar | Encinitas | Plastic Surgery | Cosmetic Surgery | Facelift | Browlift | Fat Transfer | Facial Rejuvenation | Top Plastic Surgeon San Diego | La Jolla | Carmel Valley | Del Mar | Encinitas | Plastic Surgery | Cosmetic Surgery | Facelift | Browlift | Fat Transfer | Facial Rejuvenation | Top Plastic Surgeon San Diego | La Jolla | Carmel Valley | Del Mar | Encinitas | Plastic Surgery | Cosmetic Surgery | Facelift | Browlift | Fat Transfer | Facial Rejuvenation | Top Plastic Surgeon

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Additional Procedures

cosmetic eye
reconstructive eye
cosmetic ear
cosmetic nose
reconstruction following skin cancer
breast augmentation
breast reconstruction
breast reduction
breast revision
breast reduction for men
mommy makeover