Botox and Dysport: How To Avoid the Porcelain Doll Look

Here in San Diego, a common question I get as a Plastic Surgeon is: “What do I do about these wrinkles around my eyes?” The first thing I say is: “Those aren’t wrinkles. They are called ‘smile lines'”. The lesson I learned here is that the word “wrinkle” evokes quite an emotional response and is usually synonymous with “are you saying I look old?!!”. But its important to understand that those wrinkles are not just about aging… they are about expression! We wouldn’t be human if we could not express ourselves. For this reason, many performers or actresses that I have encountered over the years in my practice shun the idea of any treatment or injection that will impede their ability to express themselves.

But fear not! There is a way to reap the benefits of neuromodulator injections (i.e. Botox Cosmetic or Dysport) without looking like a porcelain doll or appearing “paralyzed”. The key lies in having your plastic surgeon inject strategically!

The Daddy Do-Over: Cosmetic Surgery for the Other Half

As we round out the summer, those barbeques and beach beers can really bombard our busting bellies. We devote this month’s blog to the unsung heroes of economic vitality: The Suburban Dad.

Most of us live fairly busy lives: education, chiseling away at our career and devoting the needed time for wives and families. But somehow between the trips to soccer practice and the scattered dinner or Monday Night Football game, we (myself included) have missed a few opportunities to keep in shape and try to hold on to the youthful physique that we once had.