The Eyes are the Window to the Soul

Our eyes are often the first thing another person notices about us. The appearance of our eyes forms our first impressions. Subtle differences in eyelid appearance or position can create warmth, instill fear, express surprise or show fatigue. No other part of human anatomy is as instrumental to our human interactions. Cosmetic surgery dedicated to the eye (i.e. blepharoplasty) requires special expertise in order to restore the appearance of a youthful and beautiful set of eyes.

In the upper eyelid, excess skin can be removed to prevent the appearance of a droopy eye. Excess fat can be removed if the eyelid appears heavy or fat can be added to treat a ‘hollowed-out” or “sunken-in” appearance. Because the brow is intimately in contact with the upper eyelids, oftentimes a browlift can be used to restore a youthful glow to the entire upper face. Upper eyelid rejuvenation can be performed under local or general anesthetic, and recovery is typically 1-2 weeks.

In the lower eyelid, deepened fat bags can create a darkened area under the eyes known as a “tear trough”. Restoring a natural and youthful appearance to the lower eyelid involves removal or repositioning of this excess fat to blend the natural transition between the lid and cheek. Lower eyelid position, if loosened by age, may require a specialized technique called a canthopexy to tighten the corner of the eye and prevent further drooping. Additional techniques, such as a midcheeklift can be performed with the lower eyelid incision to tighten and restore the appearance of the middle of the face if desired. Lower eyelid procedures often require a general anesthetic. Recovery is a bit longer and swelling can persist sometimes for approximately 3-4 weeks after surgery.

Dr. Pacella has a unique interest in eyelid rejuvenation. Through his current practice at Scripps Clinic and his specialized fellowship in Atlanta with two of the world’s leading authorities on oculoplastic surgery (Drs. Clinton McCord and Mark Codner), Dr. Pacella employs a variety of advanced techniques to ensure your cosmetic eyelid procedure fulfills your desires and turns back the clock.

To schedule your appointment, please call (858) 554-9930.